Stephanie Gold

Resources to help us move Education forward

NSQ: National Standards for Quality Online Teaching

The purpose of the National Standards for Quality (NSQ) initiative is to provide the K-12 online and blended learning community with an updated set of openly licensed standards to
help evaluate and improve online courses, online teaching and online programs.

Snapshot 2024: The post-pandemic digital learning landscape emerges

Provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of current K-12 digital learning activities in the United States, with a focus on public schools, and to offer a glimpse into the extensive resources available on the DLC website

The Science of Learning

The purpose of The Science of Learning is to summarize the existing research from cognitive
science related to how students learn, and connect this research to its practical implications
for teaching and learning.

AI: A Literacy Framework (Digital Promise)

To enable all who participate in educational settings to leverage AI tools for powerful
learning, this paper describes a framework and strategies for educational leaders
to design and implement a clear approach to AI literacy for their specific audiences

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

CAST created the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework so that all learning experiences in school, the workplace, and life are thoughtfully designed to elevate strengths and eliminate barriers. Because everyone deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Voices from the Field: Online Learning Consortium

This qualitative study interviewed twelve instructional design and learning
technology leaders from the K12, higher education, nonprofit, and corporate sectors to
identify trends and challenges that were impacting their work and the work of their teams.

ISTE Standards

The ISTE Standards serve as a framework
for innovation and excellence in learning,
teaching and leading. They set out a holistic and
comprehensive approach to advancing educator
practice and professional growth for using
technology in the service of learning, and support
planning for digital learning, curriculum mapping
and school improvement.

Generative AI in K12 Education

Our aim is to provide an overview of generative AI in K–12 education, including background on the technology;
the state of AI literacy and school guidelines; opportunities; risks; and recommendations for the field

A Nation of Problem-Solvers: How State Leaders Can Help Every Student Achieve in Math

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) created this resource, A Nation of Problem-
Solvers: How State Leaders Can Help Every Student Achieve in Math, to support state chiefs
as they seek effective strategies to enhance mathematics outcomes, recognizing that a strong
foundation in math is essential for students’ future success and opens doors to a wide range of
career opportunities in our rapidly changing world.